During this workshop we will explore the question, ‘Who Are We?’ through an investigation of human and nonhuman migrations and ways of tracing these movements. Developed along with a week-long participatory laboratory on citizen sensing at the Tate Exchange ‘Who Are We?’programme, the workshop will especially focus on the movements of the European eel, an organism that makes its migrations through the River Thames, across Europe, and to the Sargasso Sea. We will ask how events such as climate change are influencing nonhuman migrations, and we will explore ways in which eel journeys are traced across multiple environments.
We will engage with the Tracing and Tracing 2.0 materials developed by artist, Antti Tenetz, in collaboration with the Citizen Sense research group. We will also undertake a walk and exploration of the River Thames, as we connect movements and tracings of eels with local culture and trade, as well as environmental histories and futures.
Participation in this workshop is free and open to the public but booking is essential. Please book here at Citizen Sense. Bring sturdy footwear for the walk, and notify us if you have any access requirements.
Citizen Sense is a European Research Council (ERC) funded project based at Goldsmiths, University of London, and is led by Jennifer Gabrys, working in collaboration with Helen Pritchard and Lara Houston. This Citizen Sense event is also held in relation to the ERC’s 10th Anniversary week-long set of events across Europe and the world.