We are a group of artists, activists and academics brought together to run three creative workshops on the hostile environment as part of the Who Are We? Programme. Members from the Art / Law Network (http://artlawnetwork.org/), Liberty (https://www.libertyhumanrights.org.uk/), Hunger For Freedom strikers (https://detainedvoices.com/tag/hungerforfreedom/), SOAS Detainee Support (https://soasdetaineesupport.wordpress.com/), Protest Stencil and members of grass roots groups working against the hostile environment.
After walking through ‘a guide to the hostile environment’, mapped out on the Who Are We? floor, there will be an opportunity to get involved in a stencil and poster making workshop. Members of the collective will be there to answer questions and guide you in your making. You can leave your poster to become part of Who Are We? , and take one away with you to continue the conversation outside Tate Exchange.