Terra Vera, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Terra Vera - Ljubljana

Terra Vera Association is dedicated to creating and enhancing social networks between newcomers and local artists and artisans in order to co-create and foster creative social cooperative. We encourage participatory work as a particularly valuable method for collective empowerment and social cohesion. By recognising and validating people’s skills and talents, developing cultural leadership and making space for different subjective voices, we provide people with the freedom to express the stories and enable an exchange of voices, fostering mutual understanding and intercultural dialogue. Most of all, through our activities we aim to provide shared spaces: spaces of welcome, protection, support and belonging where newcomers can share with local agents, co-work, co-learn, co-create and find solace. Our ‘Living Room’ has shown that newcomers bring with them skills, knowledge and talent, which are best activated in connection with local creative people.

Participating artists and artisans: Samira Kentrić, Palmas Ngen, Dragica Čadež, Martina Obid, Erfan Mohseni, Textile and Fashion Design at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering (Tara Lombergar, Denis Lukeševič, Darija Batić, Polona Šavc, Teja Rojnik, Ina Hadžisulejmanović, Kaja Repenšek, Pia Gorišek, Professor Marija Jenko, associate professor Elena Fajt and assistant Petja Zorec), Prostor Vmes/ The Space In Between (Lara Gligić, Teja Gorjup, Laura Klenovšek, Neža Krošel),  Ilir Halili, Amjad Al-Achkar, Moutaz Bara, Rojin Mohammad et al.